Janis McAuliffe (De Young)

I have been married to my husband Rich for over 47 years. We met at Bob's Big Boy in Van Nuys, and things just blossomed from there back in 1967! We both retired in 2010. What a change of life for sure!
We were blessed with two daughters and a son. Our eldest daughter is 46 with three boys and a daughter. Our son is going on 45 with two daughters and a son, and our youngest daughter is 40 with two daughters. Our grandchildren range in age from nine years to 23 years. They are all the joy of my life.
I worked as a supervisor for the phone company after high school prior to starting our family. Then I was a stay-at-home mom until my children were all in school, and from there I worked doing a variety of jobs at the private school they attended for 13+ years. I then moved on to being an Administrative Assistant for one-and-a-half years at the church we attend for the senior pastor and several other staff members.
After leaving the church I worked at an architectural firm for almost nine years as an Administrative Secretary. Due to the economy I was laid off in August of 2003 and had a well-needed three month rest. I worked for almost seven years in my last position as an Administrative Assistant in a very successful tax and financial services company very close to home.
My favorite things are spending time with my extended family, which is quite large, including my children and grandchildren; reading; I love to cook and be creative in the kitchen; doing puzzles of all sorts; I enjoy light jazz & easy listening music; lake fishing, traveling and gardening if I ever get the time. I enjoy watching college and professional basketball, football and baseball and being an armchair cheerleader when I have the time, or just listening especially to my husband's howls over the games and the rotten ref or coach calls! I am hooked on detective and crime scene shows showing forensic science and crime solving, and also nature shows. I've also gotten hooked on HGTV and several of their shows. Some of the hosts are a little over the top, but they have some great ideas and do stuff in a fun way. My favorite author is Patricia Cornwell - can't put down her books, and now I have found Lisa Gardner who is amazing as well as a writer! Now I need to add Karin Slaughter who is just over the top with her writing!
Retirement has been a real adjustment to life. I feel so much busier than when I was working. The only difference is I am not on the clock anymore, and can come and go whenever. We love taking one day road trips, and going to visit different places of interest, as well as trying to catch up with family. My husband likes to be on the go all the time. I'm OK with a little kickback time once in awhile! It is wonderful after working so long!
My son and husband built a race car several years ago, and spent much of their time at the race track for several years. We now have the car on the market for anyone who would like to race with a very special car. It's a package deal... car, trailer and everything in the trailer which is quite a lot! It's a beautiful car and a real beast! A '65 Chevelle that has all that is needed for racing and in C Class racing on the circuit. What's really cool is that I bought a 1965 Chevy Malibu for my first car to establish credit and have a wonderful vehicle, and here they found a car to tear down and race with in the same year! Funny how things seem to coincide with one another.
I have been truly blessed through the years, and hope that you are all doing well too! I really feel that it is important that we all try to keep connecting through reunions, or whatever venue to keep in touch. Life is so valuable as well as those who we grew up with.
I have been married to my husband Rich for over 47 years. We met at Bob's Big Boy in Van Nuys, and things just blossomed from there back in 1967! We both retired in 2010. What a change of life for sure!
We were blessed with two daughters and a son. Our eldest daughter is 46 with three boys and a daughter. Our son is going on 45 with two daughters and a son, and our youngest daughter is 40 with two daughters. Our grandchildren range in age from nine years to 23 years. They are all the joy of my life.
I worked as a supervisor for the phone company after high school prior to starting our family. Then I was a stay-at-home mom until my children were all in school, and from there I worked doing a variety of jobs at the private school they attended for 13+ years. I then moved on to being an Administrative Assistant for one-and-a-half years at the church we attend for the senior pastor and several other staff members.
After leaving the church I worked at an architectural firm for almost nine years as an Administrative Secretary. Due to the economy I was laid off in August of 2003 and had a well-needed three month rest. I worked for almost seven years in my last position as an Administrative Assistant in a very successful tax and financial services company very close to home.
My favorite things are spending time with my extended family, which is quite large, including my children and grandchildren; reading; I love to cook and be creative in the kitchen; doing puzzles of all sorts; I enjoy light jazz & easy listening music; lake fishing, traveling and gardening if I ever get the time. I enjoy watching college and professional basketball, football and baseball and being an armchair cheerleader when I have the time, or just listening especially to my husband's howls over the games and the rotten ref or coach calls! I am hooked on detective and crime scene shows showing forensic science and crime solving, and also nature shows. I've also gotten hooked on HGTV and several of their shows. Some of the hosts are a little over the top, but they have some great ideas and do stuff in a fun way. My favorite author is Patricia Cornwell - can't put down her books, and now I have found Lisa Gardner who is amazing as well as a writer! Now I need to add Karin Slaughter who is just over the top with her writing!
Retirement has been a real adjustment to life. I feel so much busier than when I was working. The only difference is I am not on the clock anymore, and can come and go whenever. We love taking one day road trips, and going to visit different places of interest, as well as trying to catch up with family. My husband likes to be on the go all the time. I'm OK with a little kickback time once in awhile! It is wonderful after working so long!
My son and husband built a race car several years ago, and spent much of their time at the race track for several years. We now have the car on the market for anyone who would like to race with a very special car. It's a package deal... car, trailer and everything in the trailer which is quite a lot! It's a beautiful car and a real beast! A '65 Chevelle that has all that is needed for racing and in C Class racing on the circuit. What's really cool is that I bought a 1965 Chevy Malibu for my first car to establish credit and have a wonderful vehicle, and here they found a car to tear down and race with in the same year! Funny how things seem to coincide with one another.
I have been truly blessed through the years, and hope that you are all doing well too! I really feel that it is important that we all try to keep connecting through reunions, or whatever venue to keep in touch. Life is so valuable as well as those who we grew up with.
For Jan! You are a great role model & am so happy to read that some do achieve the Fairy Tale Dream Jan! Congrats on the long happy marriage, Motherhood, Grand-motherhood & all of the working years too! It has been so good to see you at all of the events & look forward to the Oct event!!
Gloria "Dorcy" Watts
Gloria "Dorcy" Watts